Private Nature Reserve
The property is 61ha and we have owned it since 1979 and lived here now since 1980. We joined National Parks and Wildlife's scheme 'Land for Wildlife' as a commitment to our desire to preserve the natural habitat for wildlife.

Photo by Ian Sale
In 2002 we signed an agreement with both Federal and State Governments and placed a Perpetual Conservation Covenancy on the property title under the 'Private Forest Reserve' program.
This was to protect the vulnerable forest habitat of the wet forest type Eucalyptus Viminalis (White Gum) of which there are many old growth specimens, protection for the Karst system and threatened fauna species.
We are a member of a local community association called the Save Our Leven Valley Environment (SOLVE) with the purpose of saving our local scenic valley in its natural state. More information on can be found here
This reserve is a release for rehabilitated wildlife.
In 2005 we signed with the both houses of the Tasmanian State Government to register the property as a Private Nature Reserve.
Under both these schemes the property can never be logged and the habitat can never be degraded. We have management schemes in place for both the extensive karst systems and the forest habitat.
The reserve is home to many of Tasmania's native wildlife including the Tasmanian Devil, the Spotted Tail Quoll both threatened species, brush tail and ring tail possums, Pademelon wallabies, endemic birds of Tasmania, bats, wombats and echidnas to name a few. Interpretative Guided Tours of the habitat of the reserve are taken on request or you can take a self guided walk.